السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
Showing posts with label Success of True Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success of True Muslim. Show all posts

Thursday 18 August 2022

Why Non- Muslims who are more righteous than Muslims will go to Hell?


Why Non- Muslims who are more righteous than Muslims will go to Hell?

Will Good righteous non-Muslims go to hell

Is not Allah unjust to put non-Muslims who are more righteous into hell and just for the Muslims who are not righteous to put into heaven? Will Good righteous non-Muslims like Mother Teresa go to hell? Why only Muslims will go to Paradise and non-Muslims will go to hell? What are its references in the Glorious Quran?

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَظۡلِمُ مِثۡقَالَ ذَرَّةٖۖ وَإِن تَكُ حَسَنَةٗ يُضَٰعِفۡهَا وَيُؤۡتِ مِن لَّدُنۡهُ أَجۡرًا عَظِيمٗا

Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives Himself a great reward. (Surah An-Nisa: 40)

Allah is the justest, He will not do even a minute fraction of injustice. As far as the question is concerned, we have to understand what is the meaning of righteousness and who is the righteous person. I will give you some examples to understand the importance of Tauheed to get a place in Heaven. I hope you all know that in the education system, we have practical exams besides theory exams. To pass the subject you have to pass the practical exam as well, it is compulsory. If you fail the Practical exam and pass the theory exam of the same subject, it means you fail the theory exam as well. No matter how many good marks you achieve in the theory exam. If you want to pass the exam you have to pass the practical exam. You cannot argue because this is a rule set. So, in Islam, the compulsory paper is Tauheed, the first pillar of Islam. You should believe in only one God (Allah Almighty) and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) as a messenger of Allah. It is compulsory, if you fail in this you fail the test of righteousness. You may do as many good deeds but if you do not believe this you are not righteous.


If I say Allah Almighty sets the Five pillars of Islam in sequence according to their compulsion.  And this world is the exam for the hereafter. In this exam paper, you have 10 questions of hundred (100) marks. The first question is Tauheed and carries 51 marks. The other four questions are based on Salah, Zakat, Saum, and Hajj. These four questions carry 30 marks. The remaining 19 marks are for other small good deeds. To pass the exam you have to score 50 marks. And if you will get zero marks in the first question which is Tauheed and being a non-Muslim you do not believe in the oneness of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His messenger. You cannot pass this exam.

 Allah says in Holy Quran;


 ٱلَّذِي خَلَقَ ٱلۡمَوۡتَ وَٱلۡحَيَوٰةَ لِيَبۡلُوَكُمۡ أَيُّكُمۡ أَحۡسَنُ عَمَلٗاۚ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡغَفُورُ

 [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving. (Surah Al-Mulk: 2)


Allah Almighty has sent us into this world as a test for the hereafter and the rules and regulations he laid down in the Quran as His last and final revelation. He kept on sending revelation, when the moment got more corrupted He sent a new revelation and His new messenger. There were many revelations sent on the face of the earth. But the last and final revelation is the glorious Quran and the last and final messenger is Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). So, sometimes these types of questions came into our mind like, this non-muslims is very honest, and what are the marks for his honesty? Answer: Maybe this honest person gets five marks on the paper of 100 marks. Or any other person who is more charitable, he maybe gets 10 marks. But out of 100 marks, these 5 or 10 marks will not make him pass the examination. The best would be a Muslim, who believed in Tauheed, offer Salah, give charity/Zakat, fast and does the Hajj, and does other good deeds like good to neighbors, love his parents, do not gamble, etc. He will get maybe more than 90 marks on paper and he would be the best Muslim. 

The main thing we need to understand is "what is righteousness?"

Allah says in Holy Quran;


يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقۡنَٰكُم مِّن ذَكَرٖ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلۡنَٰكُمۡ شُعُوبٗا وَقَبَآئِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوٓاْۚ إِنَّ أَكۡرَمَكُمۡ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ

 أَتۡقَىٰكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٞ 

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Surah Al-Hujrat: 13)


This verse depicts the criteria of Judgement in the sight of Allah Almighty, it is not gender, not wealth, not color, not race, but it is TAQWA. It is righteousness and God's consciousness. So, Allah is not unjust to put No-Muslims into Hell. He has set all the rules and regulations for us to be more righteous with detailed explanations in the Glorious Quran. Refusing the oneness of Allah Almighty is the biggest sin in Islam. So, how the Non-Muslims who have been refusing oneness of Allah Almighty from the start of their lives till end, can go to heaven?

Thursday 11 August 2022

If ALLAH is free of all wants, then why does He ask us to worship Him?


If ALLAH is free of all wants, then why does He ask us to worship Him?     


If ALLAH is free of all wants, then why does He ask us to worship Him?

First consider the question;

In Sahih Muslim, Hadith number; 6572, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Allah says;

"My slaves! If all of you, the first of you and the last of you, if all the men and all the jinn among you, were to be as god-fearing as the most god-fearing heart of any one of you, that would not add anything to My Greatness If they were to be evilest as the evilest heart of any one of you, that would not decrease anything even not a little bit in My Dominion. If they were to join together in one place and then ask of Me, and I gave every man among them what he asked for that, that would not reduce My Dominion at all, except as the sea is decreased if a needle is dipped into it."


There are some verses in the Quran that explain the Greatness of Allah Almighty.

وَمَن جَٰهَدَ فَإِنَّمَا يُجَٰهِدُ لِنَفۡسِهِۦٓۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَغَنِيٌّ عَنِ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ 

“And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, Allah is free of all wants from the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns, and all that exists).” (Surah Al-Ankabut, Verse; 06)


Allah repeats a similar message in another Surah.

يٰۤاَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اَنۡتُمُ الۡفُقَرَآءُ اِلَى اللّٰهِۚ وَاللّٰهُ هُوَ الۡغَنِىُّ الۡحمید 

“O people, it is you who need Allah;36 as for Allah, He is Self-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.” (Surah Fatir, Verse no; 15)


But in another Surah Allah is asking for worshipping Him!

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْاِنْسَ اِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ

 “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Surat Adh-Dhariyat, verse no; 56)


Dozens of verses in the Qur'an mention that Allah (the Glorified and Merciful) does not attains anything through being praised, but rather He is the Gracious Giver to performers of good and evil-performers alike. Without getting sufficient thought to the nature of the Almighty Allah, and without ingress to His revealed words, a person misperceives the Creator as a needy. (نعوذ بالله ) Considering that the Allah Almighty is egotistically driven to demand devotional service is neither common sense nor sound logic.  So, what is the reason that He is asking for worship and also saying that He doesn't need our worship? The reason is that Allah Almighty wants us to worship Him not because of His benefit but for our benefit. How will we benefit if we worship Allah? You just need to revise the first three verses of Surah Al-Fatiha, the first surah of the Quran, and the most important part of our best form of worship (Salah). Without the recitation of surah Al-Fatiha, the Salah cannot complete. In these three verses, you see the praise of Allah;

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعالَمِينَ

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

ٱلرَّحْمن ٱلرَّحِيمِ

The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

ملک يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ

Master of the Day of Judgment


Every time a Muslim prays with an alert heart, he/she finds God listening attentively and replying with gifts that only the never-exhausting treasures of the Most Bountiful can afford. Outside of prayer, a Muslim remains invited to connect with God and experience His Nearness at every moment. Allah starts the Quran with his praise because He is well known to human psychology. A human when starts praising someone, he starts following him. For example, if you the most gorgeous or successful person in your family or in surrounding become your ideal and you automatically start following him. The steps that you take to follow him will only benefit you not the person whom you are following. In the same way, Allah wants us to praise Him because if we praise Him we will automatically start following Him and the path of Allah is for the True Success of humans.

If we say Allah u Akbar a thousand times in a day, it will not add anything to Allah's Greatness because He is already greatest and will remain greatest. The only reason for why we have to follow Him or praise him is when we praise Him, we will follow His advice.  We will follow the whole Quran and Sunnah that are full of His Advice. Our praise to him helps us to realize that we have to follow the one, who is the Greatest, most wise, most knowledgeable, and Merciful. As for the Muslim, he or she is blessed to understand that Allah loves to be worshipped and obeyed by His creation, not because of a need for authentication or enslavement, but because He loves to see the benefit we achieve from it. And all praise is due to Allah, the compassionate Lord of all the worlds.